Legal Notice
Responsible for the content according to § 5 TMG
PITSID Polygraphische innovative Technik Leipzig GmbH
Mommsenstraße 2
04329 Leipzig
Tel: +49 341 25942-0
Fax: +49 341 25942-99
Managing Director/Legal Representative: Dr.-Ing. Thomas Kaulitz
Registration court: Amtsgericht Leipzig
Registration number: Leipzig HRB 15550
VAT identification number according § 27 a:
DE 201216636
Please also note the privacy policy and the terms and conditions.
Editorial responsibility:
B.Sc. Titus Tauro
Public Relations:
B.Sc. Titus Tauro
As a tele-service provider according to § 5, section 1, of the Mediendienst-Staatsvertrag (Media Service State Contract) and § 5 of the Teledienst-Gesetz (Tele-Service Law) the Saxon Institute for the Printing Industry Leipzig GmbH is responsible only for “its own contents”, which it offers for use on the basis of the general German laws. It is to be distinguished between said “own contents” and cross references (“links”) on contents offered by other providers. Through cross reference (links) the Saxon Institute for the Printing Industry offers “third-party contents” which are marked with [link]. For these third-party contents it shall only be responsible if it has positive knowledge of them (i. e. of unlawful and criminal contents) and it is considered technically possible and reasonable for it to prevent its use (§ 5, section 2, of the Mediendienst-Staatsvertrag and § 5 of the Teledienst-Gesetz).
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Bahnhofstraße 61
08523 Plauen
Tel: +49 3741 71971-0